Thursday 25 April 2013

DIY: Customising Clothes for Maternity Wear

Everyone can make interesting and unique things quickly and easily, but for some reason, they don't. 

I’ve always been a fan of DIY; I love making things and creating my own projects. My biggest problem has always been follow through. That’s why I’ve come to appreciate quick, easy crafts that can be started, enjoyed and accomplished in the space of a day or two.

This brings me to one of the easiest DIY arts that there is: T-Shirt Customisation. There are a million ways to pimp out an old shirt. A simple google or Pinterest search will immediately bring up hundreds of techniques for restyling and reinvigorating old clothes. But I want to talk about my favourite of all - simple fabric paint.

It’s easy to make your own fabric paint using acrylics and pva glue, you just have to mix them together and iron the finished design to help it stay, but I went one step easier than that. I went to Poundland.
For exactly £1, I picked up a pack of 10 tubes of fabric paint. They may not be top of the line, but I figured I was going to make a bit of a mess for a while anyway, and it beat paying £3.95 per colour at the craft store. I also bounced into Primark and filled a basket with tank tops, vest tops, camisoles and t-shirts. I bought them all a size larger than usual, to accommodate for my current blimp-like proportions.

I got them home, whipped out a paintbrush, and started playing. My favourite design so far has been my Tardis/Dr Who design, which I think is quite clever. I’ve since seen some (far better) versions on Etsy with the same sort of idea, but as those are going for about $32.00, I somehow prefer my own design. Also, there’s something very satisfying about wearing something that you created yourself.

I’ve also been experimenting with fabric remnants from other projects. By cutting up leftover bits and sewing them on to cheap tops, you can easily make amazing designs and pockets to rejuvenate your wardrobe.

So, if like me, you’re feeling too big for your old clothes and too poor for awesome maternity clothes, I give you... Fabric paint!

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